Monday, October 16, 2017

Having it all

Its called having it all.

Mehnaz comes in the morning, she makes brown rice and protein packed meals for the day
Sonia follows her, and ensures the room, kitchen, balcony, stair are clean, in that order
Once in a while she asks me to recharge her phone using paytm
She knows when to ask me to let her browse Amazon for the black and golden suit design
And the other times, she just chats with me in our native rajasthani language.
Its called having it all.

I spend 3 evenings a week with Imran
He trains me to do deadlifts, box jumps and whatever he seems fit to put me through for an hour
He counts repetitions on my behalf, helps me stretch, is my conscience when am not on track.
And the other times, he just tells me stories of how he mended his impaired knee himself
Its called having it all.

I am tired and thirsty. I tap at my phone browsing through innumerable options in Phase 4 and around.
Prateek delivered this cold pressed juice bottle to me within 30 minutes.
It has Egyptian Oranges, Green Apple, Ginger, Lemon and Chia seeds, and organic beetroot.
The juice is in a glass bottle, not plastic. I don’t know from where they procured it all. But,
Its called having it all.

The other day, Rinkachon came to my house. She is from Manipur, she is excellent in acupressure.
She learnt it from mother, who learnt from her mother in her village.
Without any formal training, Rinkachon is brilliant. She is a 5 star Thai therapist with urban clap.
She brought at her own equipment, asked me how I was. The app even gave a Rs 200 cashback.
Rinkachon lives in sikandarpur. She was too nice and talented.
Its called having it all.

I sit on a Saturday, tapping at my phone.
On one app am buying the grocery list on big basket, which my mother texted me on watsap.
I wonder if Yellow Lizol is better than Purple, while I select the organic urad daal
Meanwhile another app is open, it shows me the options for treks in Nepal.
I wonder if gifting an automatic washing machine on Diwali could make up for me being away from home, while I sip on the organic cold pressed juice and swipe my Instagram where people have liked my healthy breakfast bowl, and Buddha Bowl pics
Its called having it all.

Latika is my personal shopper with fable street. She helps me pick my colors and fabrics and stays in touch on whatsap to maintain my office wardrobe.
She is absolutely brilliant. I have never had to shop again in a crowded mall, since I have met her.
This is how having it all looks.

I am not sure what exactly we have done as a generation, to deserve so much privilege and comfort in our lives. Maybe we are just at the right place and right time in the history. As I consciously keep myself away from consuming goods, I just can’t help consuming all these services, so readily available. I am not sure, for a  working class Indian, if there is a better place to be right now, than India.
I also can’t help wonder, what next. This is where the service class peaks. How do we strike the balance in producing more than we are consuming.
I also can’t help wonder about Sonia, Mehnaz, Rinkachon and Prateek….what is this whole servant class which has emerged so dramatically to provide me all these services…what have I doen to deserve this.

We are without any doubt, the most served generation in the history. The generation who does, have it all.

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